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难得的一个星期六, 孩子们并没有躲在家里玩电脑游戏。 他们反而回到了校园或来到了新加坡佛光山道场, 聆听富有意义课程, 进行精彩有趣的活动。


新加坡佛光山儿童佛学班让孩子们度过一个不一样的星期六。 通过故事与游戏, 孩子们一步步接触看似深奥无比的佛法, 学习佛陀的智慧, 并积极地应用在生活当中。 无论是朗诵佛光菜根谭、 佛曲带动唱、 电影欣赏会, 还是律动舞蹈、 小组游戏竞赛、 手工制作, 孩子们都在过程中学习与运用佛学知识。 通过这类轻松有趣的课程, 我们在这些小小心灵中逐渐建立起正确的人生与道德价值观。 我们也与家长保持紧密的联系。 通过“行佛手册”, 老师每周会在手册中写评语, 让家长了解孩子的学习情况。 家长同样也能在手册中留言, 与老师沟通, 共同努力帮助孩子学习。


除了灌输佛学知识, 我们也没有忽略给予孩子文化上的熏陶。 茶艺、 捏面人手艺、 绘画等文化活动穿插在课程内进行。 而且在学校假期里, 我们不但举办文化之旅, 前往邻国马六甲学习, 还于道场举办儿童文化学习营, 让孩子们有机会接触文化活动, 学习文化知识。


与此同时, 我们举办了科学营, 让孩子们发挥其创意及想象空间; 我们更举办了亲子营, 促进家长与孩子间的沟通与互动。 举办多姿多彩的活动为的只是让孩子从小接触佛法, 所谓“学佛的孩子不变坏”, 我们希望在孩子每日的处事待人中, 都能不自觉地表现出佛法的智慧。



Fo Guang Shan (Singapore) Children and Youth Dharma Class brings about a different Saturday for our children. Instead of sitting in front of the television or playing computer games, they make a trip back to school or to Fo Guang Shan for enriching lessons and interesting activities.


Through short stories and activities, the children start on their journeys to learn about the seemingly esoteric Dharma,and also learn to apply the wisdom of the Buddha in their daily lives. Activities include reciting from “Humble Table, Wise Fare”, singing Buddhist hymns, movie appreciation, dancing, telematches and handicrafts. It is through engaging activities such as these that children learn about Buddhism and its application, and also develop the right moral values. Parents should be involved in the education of their children as well. Through the “行佛手册”, teachers comment on the children, allowing their parents to understand their children’s progress in class. Parents, too, can leave comments in the booklet, and through such communication aid the learning and progress of the children.


Besides passing on Buddhism knowledge, Children’s Dharma Class does not neglect the inculcation of culture. Tea appreciation, clay art, drawing and painting are some of the activities incorporated into the lessons. Beside cultural trips to Malacca, camps are organised during the school holidays, letting the children get in touch with culture.


At the same time, Science Camps are organised to allow children to fully express their imagination and creativity. Parent-Child Camps are also organised to strengthen family bonds. The activities planned for Children’s Dharma Class allows these children to learn about the Dharma from young, and hopefully, they can demonstrate the wisdom of the Buddha unconsciously in their daily activities and interactions with others.

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